Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Flete's Senior Picture

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patsy said...

i don't think i ever saw this picture, she sort of reminds me of my sisters.

Galla Creek said...

I think Aunt Fleta has a little
bit of the look of Aunt Thelma,
but never realized it until now.

Galla Creek said...

Fleta wrote this poem when she heard of the death of Aunt Fleta. She was thinking of Aunt Fleta and Aunt Winnie when she wrote the poem.

On the Death of a Sister

We shared a bond of time and place,
Our lives entwined like threads in lace.
Her mother, my mother, her father mine.
We shared a room, a space in time.
Same time and place in the Universe,
All things were shared with sister first.
Who will I share with from now on?
Sister’s gone, Sister’s gone.

January 29, 1994
Fleta Aday

Sister--Helen said...

You will notice Fleta has those small teeth like most of us....I have them and so does Richard..I guess that came from the Powells. Yes, I can see Thelma in her also.