Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Meetings all day!

Went to three meetings today....everyone, including adults, are making up for all the snow days last week!   Sooooo, after I picked Sam up from school...we stopped and got KFC for dinner....yummmm, extra crispy!

Sunday, February 09, 2014


It has snowed all day, but it a light snow.  Not too much accumulation...thank goodness.
Mike and I got out this morning and went to a show....we saw Monument Men and we really enjoyed was a part of WWII that I really was not very familiar with...thank goodness there were a group of seven dedicated men that saved so much of the art that Hitler stole....and for so many items they beat the Russians from plundering all of the art.  the Americans returned the art to the rightful owners.
Cindy, Kris and Sam are still here with word on when their house will be fixed.