Saturday, June 01, 2013

School is out!

Sam and Tanner spent the afternoon and night...Sam is now in 7th and Tanner is now in 6th!   mike took them swimming yesterday afternoon...then CIndy and Kris came over and we ordered pizza.  When we order pizza we can also get a free movie rental..They picked Hotel was funny!
Sam had to say good-bye to his Resource Teacher because she is moving to Florida...he has been with her since 3rd Grade...he is now full inclusion in regular classroom...what a blessing!
Below are picture of Sam with his Resource Teacher Jenny Forst and then he and Grandpa eating breakfast this morning.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

One WeeK Out

Went to eye Dr this Morning and vision is 20/20 in both eyes.  It is really awesome not to have to wear glasses....yep, that be good!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Rainy Start

We sure are having a rainy start to the holiday...Mike will be home soon from aerobic swim class 7-8 AM.  Cindy and her family are coming over for a cookout...nothing fancy, just hamburgers on the grill...sure wish we could have good ole' Arkansas tomatoes( I know I am wishing too early).  Helen's radishes also sound good.
Rain...thunder and lightening should go away soon.  Thinking of all my brave Uncles that served in World War II and my Dad for building the military planes...They all left us too soon❤