Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No Doctor

Well we got up early to head to the Dr. for my 3 month check up...we were just heading out of the subdivision and my cell phone rang. It was the Dr.'s office and my Dr. had been called in to an emergency. I was glad she got us before we made the driving trip in such cold weather....it takes about 45 minutes to get to the Dr. We made another appointment for next Tues. morning.
Snow is suppose to come in during the afternoon tomorrow.
Hope you are all staying snuggled up warm!


none said...

The sun is shining here I just went outside and stood in the sunshine and talked to Fleta. I think it is 70 or so...

Galla Creek said...

Hope the Dr's viist is a good one when you get there. I think this snow will miss me...I bet we just get rain.

patsy said...

today is gramdma powell's day.