Friday, September 05, 2008

More Fun Than Politics.....

I wanted to share what Mike bought me for my birthday on the 27th......this is a lot more fun than politics. I was just waiting for a good picture to share. We traded in our SUV that we had only had a year, which is a real departure from usually keeping our cars for about 10 years. We just told our Obama friends that this is the money we would have given to Hillary. TeeHee
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Sister--Helen said...

That is a cute little thing.....ohhhh remember the VW "Thing" that was years ago...

I will expect to see a flower in a vase by the gear shift.

Sister--Helen said...

Oh My ...I went back and enlarged the photo and there it was, a yellow rose! You have class, I usually see a Sunflower!

patsy said...

that was a good idea.

Galla Creek said...

Wow, that is cool. I hope the gas milage is good and I bet it is. Sam will love it. He will want to drive and if you tell him no he'll remind you that it is not bigger than the golf cart!

I think you will look so good in it!