Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain jumping ahead...

This evenings polls showed McCain with a 23% advantage over Obama. They are keeping Sarah at arms length away from the media....and it is working! She was in KC yesterday and she was a resounding strength for McCain. I laughed about her at first...now, I think if she continues to be managed correctly....it could be a really sad Nov. 4th.
What are your thoughts???


Galla Creek said...

You hit the nail on the head. This was the plan from the beginnng as I said.

Margie's Musings said...

True...the Dems may just lose this election if they don't come up with a winning strategy. That would be a catastrophe. I do not like McCain any better then I liked Bush. And I think he would be terrible for the country.

Sister--Helen said...

would of ....could of....should of......chose Hillary for veep!!! Pat says I am stupid to keep harping on this....

Sister--Helen said...

And another thing the American public are STUPID!! Let's not look at the facts....let's just remember she is a beauty queen so vote for her... Oh yes and she wears an American flag on her lapel remember what a big deal that is....Any country that can forget what President Nixon was really like as president and then in this day and age think he is an American hero, like Americans do, is just plain stupid! We deserve a beauty queen one heart beat away from the president who may fall dead any minute! could of...would of....should of....