Sunday, March 02, 2014

I/2is Here

Snowed last night....I took my "welcome Winter " sign down two weeks ago.  Actually I would have really rather been down at Bennett for Opening Day yesterday.
When I was little I use to love playing the snow....did you ever wear bread sacks inside your galoshes so you could get them off on on easier?  Everyone had the same black ones that went over your shoes...we put them on for morning and afternoon recess and you put your knitted mittens on the radiator to dry during class.  I still can remember that smell, but snow use to be fun...somehow it didn't matter that your finger tips were numb and your toes were numb.  Now they tell you all over the news that you probably have frost bite and you must go inside....I wonder how we ever survived!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I can't believe you have snow again. Hope you can see some beauty in it.