Thursday, February 03, 2011

Now the Wind

Now the wind has come in from the North/West and it was -12 Windchill. The kids do not have school again today...this makes day number 4 this week. The thing that does help is that the sky is blue and the sun is shinning. I haven't been out since church on Sunday, but it really does make it so much more manageable with the sun shinning....I can see how people could get cabin fever really quick. I spend allot of time on the computer helping Mike track down some looking forward on Genealogy. He has it traced back to the 1700's on both of his sides, but realized that we really had not written down the current information. Hope you all enjoy your day!
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1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad you are keeping busy! Genealogy is always fun. Melt, snow, melt.