Monday, December 27, 2010


Well the tree is down and packed away...and all the decorations are boxed and put away. My Mom always said that the 27th...her birthday, was the day to take downt the tree when she was growing up and at bed time, Grandpa would say..."oh, Fleet...Happy Birthday!" Daddy always made this a very special day for Mom. As I have told you before, Mom thought she was born in 1917 and then she said after she was married...her Dad changed it to 1916. Fleta did some reasearch and everything she came up with was 1916. I think my gift to Mom today is to say "Happy 93rd Mom!'...I miss you so much!


Galla Creek said...

Yes, Happy Birthday Aunt Fleta. She was lucky to find a special guy to make the day special at last.

patsy said...

I remember aunt Fleta telling how when she went to draw SS they had her born a year early than she I wonder what was the reason she lost a year did she start to school later than 6? I don't think she shaved off a year just to be younger.