Saturday, May 03, 2008

Had Trouble

Fleta just could not figure out if this door opened left or right~she was lucky to have me there to open it for her.
It is really wild around here, we did not lose power or have any damage and neither did our children. When you
look at the aftermath of the Stage 3 tornado that hit so close - we say once again how very blessed we are.
Also, I feel so blessed to have once again connected with my cousins - Fleta and George are just the greatest for
inviting me to stay with them. It was great to laugh through our tears.
Patsy - I sure hope your entire day was fantastic and once again, you are so lucky that I didn't sing to you this morning.
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Sister--Fleta said...

Well, no matter, I looked. I had my clothes on right side out this time. At Erin's graduation I did not so that is not a given. We had fun at Patsy's birthday yesterday. Wish you could have been there.

patsy said...

i had a good day.

Sister--Helen said...

Fleta never paid much attention to details.. like how to open a door...

Galla Creek said...

I think if you are not at the are the topic of conversation. So the talk of the day was Winnie, Helen, and Betty...that is my bet.