Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Farm Painting

For right now, this is the best shot I can take of the farm painting Aunt Winnie did in 1977. I have always enjoyed her paintings - for being self-taught, I sure thought she did a great job. This is the 2nd time she painted the farm. I think Barb has the original she painted. Jim always loved it. Mom always thought she put in one extra chicken house. When Aunt Winnie gave me this, she told me the name of the three horses in the field. but the only name I can remember is "Dolly". Hope you enjoy!
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Galla Creek said...

this is a beautiful painting. I am glad you shared it.

Sister--Helen said...

This is really something I did not know she painted.....thanks so much...I am so glad yo came to visit. Everyone loved you being there. Finally Fleta has a friend

patsy said...

leta and i will be up that way to steal that photo.you h

Sister--Fleta said...

This is really great. I had no idea Winnie had painted this. But, I agree, there is too many chicken houses.