Sunday, May 13, 2007

America Needs a Sigh of Relief:

I had an outstanding Saturday afternoon - I went to hear Obama speak in KC yesterday. He is a charismatic speaker and one of the most profound things he said was - "America will sigh with relief when this man leaves the Presidency of America." If he is our candidate, I certainly won't have any problem voting for him - WOW. Edwards is still my first choice - we will certainly see how all this plays out.
Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you!


Galla Creek said...

I like him better than Hillary,
Cuz. I can vote for him.

Sis 3

patsy said...

i still think it will be hillary, win or lose. i would like obasma to get it but don't think he will.if he did i am afraid someone would do him in. i don't understand why reasonable people like my sister don't like hillary. what did she do wrong while she was in the white house. she was married to a lying cheat husband and that wasn't her fault.

Galla Creek said...

I like Hillary, but she rode my case when she was the Gov's wife and made me take a test that cost Ar a bunch of money. The test was stupid. A front. Everyone passed.
Bunch of stress for not...just for politic rot.