Monday, May 07, 2012

Another Dear Friend....

Sorry to be so long about posting....another dear friend passed away on Sunday.  We lovingly called him "Dr. Bob" and he was 93 years old and married to my dear, dear friend for 68 years.  He has been in Hospice for a little over a week.  His funeral is Wednesday and I have many responsibilities.  Also, tomorrow I am in charge of a memorial for a dear sweet sister in PEO.  She died peacfully in her sleep and she was 92 years old.  We don't weep for these sweet people, but no mater what...the loss hurts.
Dr. Bob was the father of my friend that passed away in 2008. just have to be quiet and reflective...I don't know what people do that do not have faith.


patsy said...


Galla Creek said...

I told the sunday school class sunday..(one lady was wondering about why bad things happen to good people)...that we should not waste our time pondering something that we can not do anything about or control. But what we should do is take care of the stuff we can control.

The Lord took them because he decided it was their time...and boy, they were here a long time.

Hope you are doing well. I have 14 days left this last year of school. Dont' think I will be back filling in like you did but we will see.

Sister--Helen said...

So sorry you are having to deal with so much loss but that is because you love so many people.... in return so many people love you. You take care, sister