Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hold the Press!!!!

Holy Toledo.....we had seven drops of rain this morning.  It was all black outside at 7 AM...I drove up to Cindy's to take care of their dog.  The kids are at Branson for the weekend.
It was so dark that I almost thought we were under severe storm warnings....nothing on the news.  Then, low and behold...the whole thing cleared in 10 minutes...maybe we got 6 or 7 drops.   Yippee Skippee.
Got the funniest email today about politics...
All the politicians (represented as birds shitting) looking down off the branches only see shitheads, people looking up at politicians...only see a..holes.  Prefect discriptiong of Washington!


Galla Creek said...

I love the vision you described.

We are down to counting drops too. We had about 10 last night. It is 100 here now.

patsy said...

rain, rain cool cool air come pay us a visit.

Sister--Helen said...

Hot here...I just need to get over it...I put on a pair of jeans Friday morning and pretended it was noon I was striping them off....