Thursday, November 18, 2010

Major Announcement...

Just in case you missed the major announcement....Sarah Palin says she can beat President Obama in 2012.
Also.....the tea party is going to put Bristol as the Dancing With the Stars Champion.
Here is what I posted in my Facebook page...
Momma Grizzly = Cubette in the finals

Wow...I just may need to get a passport and get out of here!


patsy said...

I had decided that Obama might be a one term president but when I saw she said she could beat him I took hope. Maybe the repubs. will be crazy enought to run her.

Galla Creek said...

If they want to win, they should run our Arkansas boy, Huck. He could be Obama I think. I don't think Palin can beat anyone. She will stick both feet in her mouth in a weeks time.

Donna. W said...

My granddaughter asked me if I watched Palin's show on TV. I told her as far as I'm concerned, her stupid face should not be shown on TV. She's a brainless twit. This republican isn't going to vote for her.