Thursday, July 22, 2010

We've Got Our Act Together...So, here is the blog

This has certainly been the week of Dr's. Tuesday I tried to do the phone thing...get blood draw orders taken care of over the phone as my surgeon wants me to do blood work every 3 months like the schedule for the scope thingie. Well...of course, I could not accomplish that over the phone, so I went for an appointment and accomplished the same thing I was trying to do over the phone. I went to the vampire this morning, after fasting for 14 hours.

Cindy called a little while ago...she had recieved Sam's enrollment form for next year....she was just either mark....Latino/Hispanic or Not Latino/Hispanic. She said she was surprised that she didn't have to request a special form because they are English speaking white folk!


patsy said...

truth be told they want to know how many spanish people they have so if they can they can find out how is illigal or perhaps they get extra money for the spanish from the goverment.

Galla Creek said...

Are we the minority yet? Well, we are getting there aren't we.

Glad the blood work went ok.

Sister--Helen said...

I call them vampires too....