Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm trying!!!!!

Some how I have lost my ability to scan or import pictures. Frustration is a mild term for how I feel about all this. Eventually, I will get my son-in-law over here to the house to straighten it all out. I just think the more I fiddle.....the worse it gets. Arrrrrrrgh!


Margie's Musings said...

Nothing is more aggravating then a computer or other piece of equipment that won't work. I feel for you.

patsy said...

go to your control panel and click scanner and printers and make sure your scanner is at the top of the list. janet has down loaded some things that put a printer and scanner in my list which i don't have then your scanner wont work. delete any from the list that isn't your printer name.

Sister--Helen said...

Get the son in law over is my advice.... by the time you get through messing with it the grand sons will be old enough to fix it...

Galla Creek said...

Learn how again...we want to see the pictures you post. We love them.