Friday, November 07, 2008

Can you believe it.....

It is now 8 PM on Friday night and MO has still not called the winner of the Presidential race. Originally, I had planned to stay at headquarters until MO was called.....well, headquarters is now packed and stored until the next election and MO is standing 49% to 49% with every US map showing us right in the middle of the states - neither blue or red. This one should really go down in the record books. They say that the winner of the election usually takes this point, I wonder what Obama thinks of us. I hope he knows we fought the good fight.
Skip called yesterday....and said, "Isn't this a bummer" and I said, "No, I really turned around and worked hard for him."
To say he was shocked probably was an understatement.......I told him, Sarah put me over the top and scared me to death! I was actually thinking of getting a passport for the first time in my life if they won....I don't know where I was heading, but just the thought of leaving let me sleep better.


Galla Creek said...

I wonder when Mo. will be called? Surely it will not be much longer.

patsy said...

fleta and i have fun arguing and i told her obama would take flordia and mo. if he gets mo. fleta is in for a good ribbing for a while!

Sister--Fleta said...

You know they say as MO goes so goes the nation. I guess that means the nation is undecided.

At least you do not have a convicted fellon winning the senate race like Sarah's state.