Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It All Comes Down to Today!

It is such a sad commentary that so few people take a few minutes to vote - Middle America needs to stand up and be heard today - Everyone get off your duffer and go VOTE!!!!


patsy said...

winnie i messed up, first time in my life put up the wrong photo. will strighting this out.

patsy said...

ok, winnie i tryed to get it right. see if i did.

patsy said...

well they say claire is ahead, winnie if she wins i will celbrate with you.

Sunshine said...

Winnie...I think if folks don't vote they have no right to gripe.

patsy said...

ok claire won winnie!

Sister--Helen said...

Winnie you have not posted yet...are you asleep...I figured you would still be up from last night!

Unknown said...

What glorious morning! I just now heard "Rummie" is stepping down and we may actually also get control of the Senate - plus - it is 82 degrees outside!!